UPDATE: Robert Coup on Web 2.0 showed up my google foo; The NZ Herald published this news just over a week ago.
UPDATE: I met the driver and got detail shots today
UPDATE: The car was spotted in Christhcurch again on 30th of October. Odd.
Today I was crossing Mansfield ave in Merivale, Christchurch when Celeste pointed out a 'Google car'. I looked and saw a small black car pulling off the curb with a Google logo on the side. I blinked and noticed a bunch of weird contraptions on it's roof. I looked a bit harder and saw a smallish orange-brown cylinder with many smaller circles on it. As the car started driving off I realized it was taking 360º photos for Google Map's Street View.
Drupal NZ is launched at Drupal.net.nz.
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A slashdot posting a while back got me writing a couple of letters
and getting involved at the NeoOffice forums. This morning I got a reply signed by Mr Steve Maharey, NZ Minister of Education, himself. Although it has his signature, I suspect that he didn't actually write it -- although he hopefully read my email and the reply.