Google Maps

Impossible picture on google maps

While psyching myself up for DrupalCon Boston 2008 I was browsing downtown Boston in google maps, I found this weird occurance of an accidental 'impossible picture:

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Google camera-car detail

After yesterday's siting and all the related discussion, the firkin Google car was parked right outside our house today! Well not right outside, but on the other side of the park next to our house -- less than 100 metres away. Celeste called me with the news and I ran out of the house with the camera, socks, no keys, no shoes, front door wide open. A bloke was sitting at a picnic table in the park. He looked like he might be the driver on his lunch break:
"Excuse me. Are you the driver of the google car?". But no, he was a fellow geek waiting to see if the driver came back to the car. I chatted to him briefly until the driver did return to the car;

"Excuse me. Are you the driver of the google car?"
"Gidday I'm Bevan"
"Hi I'm Michael"
"Do you mind if I take some photos...."
[Snap Snap Snap]
The 360º camera mounted on the roof of the google car

Street View coming to Google maps NZ; Camera-vehicle spotted in Christchurch

UPDATE: Robert Coup on Web 2.0 showed up my google foo; The NZ Herald published this news just over a week ago.

UPDATE: I met the driver and got detail shots today

UPDATE: The car was spotted in Christhcurch again on 30th of October. Odd.

Today I was crossing Mansfield ave in Merivale, Christchurch when Celeste pointed out a 'Google car'. I looked and saw a small black car pulling off the curb with a Google logo on the side. I blinked and noticed a bunch of weird contraptions on it's roof. I looked a bit harder and saw a smallish orange-brown cylinder with many smaller circles on it. As the car started driving off I realized it was taking 360º photos for Google Map's Street View.

The Google car photographing 360º for Google Maps Street view

Witness Hub

I was involved in this project. I worked on google maps integration to capture and display geodata for users, videos, events, campaigns and boilt down to the Hub Map. From CivicActions' launch post;

Last Wednesday, CivicActions launched the WITNESS Video Hub.

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