
Not so highly critical?

The Drupal security team published a PSA to warn about upcoming security advisories. I shared my advice and predicted attacks within the hour after the security advisories are published. The security advisories are now published. Here is my followup.

I applaud the Drupal Security Team for warning about the highly critical updates. However the public service announcement (PSA) left the impression that this event was going to be much more serious than it was. Such a PSA would have been perfectly appropriate for SA-CORE-2014-005 "Drupalgeddon". But the only PSA there was in hindsight.

I guess it is resonable for the Drupal Security Team to be over cautious, especially given the lessons learned from Drupalgeddon fallout. And of course, such decisions and criticism is much easier with hindsight.

But now I am concerned how the Drupal Security Team can realistically raise the level further there is another vulnerability that is as serious as Drupalgeddon. Even if they raise the alert level using language in the PSA, will people still believe them? It reminds me of the boy who cried wolf.

Of course serious vulnerabilities like these are rare events in Drupal, so there is not yet a standard to compare alert levels to.

Drupalgeddon; Are you ready?

Just arrived here? Read my followup first.

Original post

The Drupal security team announced multiple highly critical updates to Drupal contrib modules in PSA-2016-001. Expect attacks within less than one hour from the announcement; 18 hours from the time this article is published. This is probably going to be Drupalgeddon all over again.

My advice

If you are prepared, you will save yourself a lot of time. If you are late or too slow, you will probably find yourself with a lot more work, e.g. the rescue workflow for Drupalgeddon 1.


Don't skimp on the first two. And do at least one of "3. Update a contrib module" or "4. Learn how to apply patches". Which one you choose depends on your skills and how out of date contrib modules are on your Drupal websites. Ideally, do both steps 3 & 4; You might find one of them is significantly challenging for you.

DrupalSouth returns!

Four years after the last DrupalSouth, and three fantastic Australasian Drupal conferences later, DrupalSouth returns!

DrupalSouth Wellington 14-16 February 2014 is setting up to be a great event! With an awesome venue, large capacity and amazing sponsors, things are well on track.

Scheduled Publishing with Workbench Moderation

Originally posted at PreviousNext.com.au.

Scheduler module allows content editors to specify times for content to be published and/or unpublished. However it is not compatible with Workbench Moderation module, which allows content to have states like “draft” and “needs review” rather than just “published” or not.

Scheduler Workbench is a new module that integrates Workbench Moderation and Scheduler modules, so that content can be configured to become published or unpublished and be assigned a new moderation state at a date and time specified by the content editor.

A New Way to Migrate WordPress Content Into Drupal

The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) is an organization that seeks out and tests innovations in journalism to find the best solutions for use in the real world.

Dries Buytaert in Brisbane for DrupalDownunder

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Starting at Palantir

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jQuery.dashboard() in CiviCRM 3.1

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tpl.phps are not templates

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