
What kind of amazing grace?

This awesome song by my colleague and friend Ian Rhett moved me. Digg it here.

Quote: Belt sander in the eye

This one is from a javascript file by an unknown colleague at CivicActions.

* there is a rediculous amount of stupidity going on here to deal with
* safari + ie + ff + tabs + gmaps + form data
* don't mess with this unless you enjoy a belt sander in the eye.

Node Teaser (somewhat) fixed in drupal 6!

My largest code contribution to Drupal core just got committed! :) At last node_teaser() can take a rest -- at least for a while anyway. It looks like there'll be another round of work on it for Drupal 7).

Just Cause It hype

There has been a lot of hype building up around Just Cause recently;

Witness Hub

I was involved in this project. I worked on google maps integration to capture and display geodata for users, videos, events, campaigns and boilt down to the Hub Map. From CivicActions' launch post;

Last Wednesday, CivicActions launched the WITNESS Video Hub.

Just Cause - Beta launch

I've been working on Just Cause for a while and was glad to see it finally launched! I themed this.
JUST CAUSE is up and running! We are, as of TODAY, opening our virtual doors and ask you to PLEASE come to and JOIN US! As a beta site, you can still expect some glitches and missing features, but you can help us fix them, by sending us any and all feedback. We have built an online social networking site that enables people to connect around the causes that matter to them. Now we need the people. We need you.
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