There has been a lot of hype building up around Just Cause recently;
JUST CAUSE is up and running! We are, as of TODAY, opening our virtual doors and ask you to PLEASE come to and JOIN US! As a beta site, you can still expect some glitches and missing features, but you can help us fix them, by sending us any and all feedback. We have built an online social networking site that enables people to connect around the causes that matter to them. Now we need the people. We need you.
A thoughtful summary of drupal by a smart client;
The rule of thumb with Drupal is that only the hard stuff is easy. The easy stuff always seems to be hard.
We were having a hard time dealing with an extra annoying bug which was frustrating everyone. This was in reference to wanting to put meta tags on a page -- an incredibly simple task in their old static html site, and (understandably) seemingly difficult in the all new super-powered (but sometimes broken) drupal site.