UPDATE: Can anyone tell me why this page gets so many hits?
Good ol' 'Douglas Smith' of Prime Bank (at least the bank is real) wants to give me half of the £8.5 million pound sterling he's trying to steal from the bank:
I am an auditor for PRIME BANK London, during my last auditing I realized an unclaimed Bank Draft of 8,528,000GBP
My first spam by snail mail:
more photos and full letter
What's up with that? Has 'Domain Registry of America' got enough funding to do this seriously? Is anyone else getting spammed from their virtual life by snail mail?
Almost a month ago I blogged about how much spam I receive. At that time it was around one spam email per 100 seconds (average over the previous month). Since then I've updated my crude spam rate tracker twice and I'm now receiving approximately one spam every 90 seconds. If you look at the numbers carefully you'll noticed that today's count was less for all mailboxes except one; N L AR, the catch-all address for lucion.com.ar. The spam count for that mailbox increased dramatically from about 1000 to almost 4000. Most interestingly, I received almost 150 automated replies to spam messages from unused @lucion.com.ar addresses:
I get spammed approximately every 103 seconds. Really. Here are my numbers and calculations; http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pTpwkDap5YFcnDJ5RRAlIRw
The mailboxes collectively include several catch-all's and many webmaster@ postmaster@ and abuse@ email addresses. I used to publish my email addresses online fairly liberally. Some of the email addresses are several years old and are probably on every single spam-mailing-list.
How many spam emails do you get?
UPDATE: See the follow-up at http://drupal.geek.nz/node/69
Best article on spam I've ever read, in the New Yorker by Michael Spector: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/08/06/070806fa_fact_specter?printable=true