DrupalSouth Wellington 2010 was a booming success! And that would be an understatement. 100 Drupallers from NZ, Australia, North America and Europe came together for 2 Wellington-wet days in a brewery and couldn't stop talking about Drupal!
Here is DrupalSouth by the numbers;
1: Code sprints
2: Tracks (simultaneous sessions)
2: Duration in days
2: Lunches provided
2: Organisers
2: Attendees from parliament (Green party)
3: Keynote speakers from North America (Liz Henry, Emma Jane Hogbin & Angela Byron)
3: Platinum Sponsors
3: DrupliBeanBags
4: Attendees from the IRD
5: Gold sponsors
5: Percent of attendees from Hawkes bay
5: Months to organise
6: Companies involved in the wireless internet
6: Wireless access points
7: Value of each bar token in NZ dollars
8: Silver Sponsors
9: Varieties of beer brewed on-site
10: Start time on Saturday
11: Thousands of dollars turned over in event production
15: Attendees from NZ government agencies (IRD, Greens, NZ Police, various ministries, etc.)
16: Sponsors
16: Percent of attendees from Australia
16: Percent of attendees from Christchurch
18: Age of youngest attendee
20: MBs of synchronous bandwidth
21: Percent of attendees from Auckland
26: Speakers
28: Attendees who also attended LCA the week before